All The Way
March 4, 2013
I am very happy to welcome Jennifer to my blog today, I am also very happy to have been able to ask her a few questions. So here are her answers:
SBB: So Jennifer, tell us curious readers, what gave you the idea for All the Way?
JP: If anyone has read my books, fans know my obsessive
love for food. I have always been fascinated by the food critic and
restaurant industry, so bringing these two worlds together was my main
goal. I also loved the idea of a story about revenge and redemption.
Picture a young relationship beginning to bloom, and my hero panics. Who
doesn’t panic at the idea of falling in love, especially a headstrong,
alpha male in his prime? I’m fascinated with the enemies to lovers story
and a second chance at redemption – it’s full of fun ways to torture my
hero and heroine and entertain my readers. So, I brought all of these
themes together, threw in a good dose of humor, and completed All the
SBB: Sounds delicious! While writing, if or when you have writers block what do you do?
JP: I believe in writer’s block, but I don’t believe it can stop you. We all
struggle with good days and bad days. Things changed for me when I
began thinking of writing as my business. If I don’t feel good, or am a
bit cranky, do I call in from work? No. If I feel like lazing around and
watching tv do I refuse to go to work? No. I’d lose my job. So, when
the words aren’t flying with ease, I force them. Painfully. It’s not an
easy job and not for the fainthearted, but if you sit in the chair for
long enough and make words, you can always fix them later. I
continuously quote the great authors – especially Nora Roberts who said
this: “I can fix anything but a blank page.” Sheer brilliance.
SBB: I agree, sheer brilliance, that is wonderful advice! How long have you been writing? Did you always know you wanted to write?
JP: I’ve been writing since I was young and wrote my first book at 12,
completing it at 13. I knew forever I was meant to write romance. The
problem was breaking into the market and eventually making a solid
career out of my passion. I worked day jobs, got two degrees, studied
various careers such as yoga instructor, travel agent, insurance,
business, teaching, etc. But I always came back to the writing, and
never stopped trying. I had many ups and downs but it’s all worth it.
SBB: I can say honestly I am so glad you kept going back to writing! Are some characters harder to write than others?
JP: Yes! Some spring from the creative well and
others drive you nuts trying to figure them out! But that’s all part of
the process for me. I actually discover my characters as I write the
book, then when I’m finished I go back and round out the scenes because I
know them bone deep by the ending.
SBB: I love your characters, I don't know how many I wish I could meet! Speaking of, if you could meet any person dead or alive...who would it be?
JP: Frank Sinatra. That being said, read All the Way and you will be treated to many reasons why I pick him.
SBB: What a tease, I am already anxious to read All the Way! *wink wink* What do you prefer coffee, tea, soda, water...
JP: COFFEE all the way!!!
SBB: Must be a writer thing, most sure love coffee! If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring with you?
JP: Can we
please have internet service on my island? Thank you. Kindle, a case of
champagne, and a swiss army knife. I have to put in something practical,
SBB: Sure, practical, and of course internet! Great answer! Thank you so so much for stopping by and letting us get to know you! If you haven't read Jennifer's Millionaire Series, definitely check it out, and also grab a copy of All the Way!
Jennifer's Bio

She makes her home in Upstate New York with the whole crew. Her sons, one 5 and one 7, keep her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean.
She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of both sexy and erotic contemporary romance including The Marriage Bargain, The Marriage Trap, and The Marriage Mistake. She has been published with Gallery, Entangled, Decadent, The Wild Rose Press, and Red Sage Publishing. She has also written a children's book, Buffy and the Carrot, co-written with her niece, along with a short story about a shelter dog, "A Life Worth Living." Look for her upcoming releases, All the Way, coming March 2013, and The Marriage Merger in July 2013. All of her books are available at her website.